Presidential Proclamation - National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month, 2016
Every day, millions of Americans prove that recovery from alcohol and substance use disorders is possible -- yet at the same time, millions more are struggling with the disease of addiction. These individuals are our family members, friends, and neighbors, and when they are not able to get the help they need, our communities and our country are not as strong as they can be. It is up to all of us to help our loved ones seek life-saving services when needed and steer them toward recovery. Throughout this month, we celebrate the successes of all those who know the transformative power of recovery, and we renew our commitment to providing the support, care, and treatment that people need to forge a healthier life.

Substance use disorder, commonly known as addiction, is a disease of the brain, and many misconceptions surrounding it have contributed to harmful stigmas that can prevent individuals from seeking the treatment they need. By treating substance use disorders as seriously as other medical conditions, with an emphasis on prevention and treatment, people can recover. This month's theme is, "Join the Voices for Recovery: Our Families, Our Stories, Our Recovery!". Focusing on the importance of family support throughout recovery, it invites families, loved ones, and other individuals to share their stories and triumphs in fighting substance use disorders to inspire others that may follow in their footsteps. I encourage all Americans looking for assistance to use the "Treatment Locator" tool at or call 1-800-662-HELP.
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