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National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)

Open SBIR/STTR Funding Opportunities

Open Funding Opportunities

Omnibus Solicitation

NIAAA offers funding through the PHS 2024-2 Omnibus Solicitation program announcement, as well as targeted Notices of Funding Opportunities (NOFOs) and several resources for additional technical assistance, commercialization R&D support, and training programs. Standard due dates are April 5, September 5, and January 5 or the next business day.

  • SBIR (PA-24-246) (R43/R44 Clinical Trial Required)
  • STTR (PA-24-248) (R41/R42 Clinical Trial Required)
  • SBIR (PA-24-245) (R43/R42 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
  • STTR (PA-24-247) (R41/R42 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
  • Standard due dates apply

Omnibus Solicitation Funding Information

Please note: The SBIR and STTR Extension Act of 2022 (the Act) includes major changes to the SBIR/STTR program, including:

  • Increased minimum performance standards (refer to NOT-OD-23-092),
  • Pre- and post-award foreign disclosure requirements (refer to NOT-OD-23-139)
  • Changes to the peer review criteria.

Targeted Solicitations

Investigational New Drug (IND)-enabling and Early-Stage Development of Medications to Treat Alcohol Use Disorder and Alcohol-Associated Organ Damage (U43/U44)

Small businesses that are developing a therapeutic agent and have robust background data in basic science and early discovery are invited to apply for targeted funding to transition to preclinical and clinical phases of development.

  • SBIR (PAR-22-102) (U43/U44 Clinical Trial Optional)
  • STTR (PAR-22-103) (UT1/UT2 Clinical Trial Optional)
  • Application due date: Dec. 4, 2024

Administrative Diversity Supplements

Diversity supplements provide funding to current awardees to increase the diversity of their research and entrepreneurial workforce through recruitment and support of students, post doctorates fellows, and eligible investigators from underrepresented minority groups in health-related research or in the SBIR and STTR programs.

  • SBIR/STTR (PA-24-255)
  • Applications are accepted on a rolling basis

The parent grant must have at least 6 months remaining at the time of supplement application. NIAAA does not award diversity supplements to grants in a no-cost extension. Interested candidates should contact the NIAAA SBIR/STTR Program Coordinator prior to submitting an application.

Scientific Contact:

Megan Ryan, M.B.A.
Phone: 301-443-4225

Grants Management Contact:

Jeff Thurston
Phone: 301-443-9801

Commercialization Resources

NIH Commercialization Readiness Pilot (CRP) Program

Funding and technical assistance to help develop regulatory strategy and prepare for submission for U.S. Food and Drug Administration and other agencies, as well as other support for key studies, compliance activities, and other research to advance to commercialization.

  • SBIR/STTR (PAR-23-219)
    Commercialization Readiness Pilot (CRP) Program Technical Assistance and Late-Stage Development - Clinical Trial Not Allowed
  • SBIR/STTR (PAR-23-220)
    Commercialization Readiness Pilot (CRP) Program Technical Assistance - Clinical Trial Not Allowed

Innovation Corps (I-CorpsTM) at NIH Program for NIH and CDC Translational Research
An intensive 8-week entrepreneurial training course for active Phase I SBIR and STTR awardees.

  • Phase I SBIR and STTR Admin Supplement - Clinical Trial Not Allowed (PAR-25-212)
  • Apply through NIH ASSIST

Technical and Business Assessment

The NIH Technical and Business Assistance (TABA) administrative supplement helps small businesses make better technical decisions, solve technical problems, minimize technical risks, and develop and commercialize new products and processes. For more information, view NOT–OD–21–062.

All applicants can request additional funding for technical and business services, such as access to technologies or support on product sales, intellectual property protections, market research, and planning. Requests should be made within the application under “F. Other Direct Costs, lines 8-10” and labeled “Technical and Business Assistance” on the budget. Grantees may also apply for TABA funding through the Administrative Supplement Parent, PA-20-272, if they did not do so through their application.

  • Phase I has a cap of $6,500 per year
  • Phase II has a cap of $50,000 for the life of the project

For grantees who have not applied for TABA in their initial Phase I submission, the TABA Needs Assessment Report provides a third party, unbiased assessment of your progress in 10 technical and business areas that are critical to success in the competitive healthcare marketplace:

  • Target Market Attractiveness (Need/Size)
  • Ability to Address Market Need
  • Regulatory Path
  • Business Model Profitability
  • Competition and Intellectual Property
  • Sales and Marketing Strategy
  • Management Team
  • Strategic Partners
  • Funding Status/Financial Plan
  • Potential Exit Plan

The report will also suggest the highest priority steps you can take to improve the commercial potential of your product or service. There is no cost for this report and the time commitment for participation is minimal. Needs Assessment Reports will be completed in 2-3 months.

Eligibility: Applicants must have had an active NIH SBIR or STTR Phase I or Phase I Fast-Track award (grant or contract) within the past two years. For companies with multiple awards, only one project will be considered for the program. Small businesses that have received TABA funding within their Phase I award are not eligible to participate.

Deadline: The Needs Assessment Program will be open throughout the year. Requests will be reviewed on a monthly basis with notification of status within 60 days of submission.

To learn more about TABA, visit the NIH SBIR STTR webpage to watch a webinar and download informational slides.


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